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Through the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative's mission and vision, we are working with our partners toward a trail within a mile of every home in Morgantown.

60 Miles planned

3 Miles
currently open

1 Community

Mackenzie rides around a berm on her mountain bike

While West Virginia's mountains create the perfect canvas for challenging trails, there is a need to concentrate on creating access for all abilities, including entry-level hiking and mountain biking trails to introduce people to outdoor recreation.

West Run Woods trail system represents the start of a larger trail initiative through WVU to improve health, attract talent and enhance quality of life while providing an example for communities state-wide.

“I want to assist community leaders in developing compelling trail experiences that contribute to their communities being renowned as desirable place to live, work and play through outdoor recreation.”

Rich's profile

-Rich Edwards

Smith OEDC Recreation Infrastructure Development Coordinator

The Smith OEDC works with communities to build their skills and capacity. Sharing knowledge and assisting communities in developing local talent is a path to long-term success for outdoor recreation throughout the state.

A mom walks on a trail in the forest with her two young kids


Discover how trails can be a part of defining West Virginia as the state to live, work and play:

Sustainable Economic Development

Support the development of local businesses and outdoor recreation while ensuring these enterprises have the skills needed to start and expand.

Community Connectivity & Pride

Inspire and empower West Virginians to leverage the outdoors by providing organizational support and expertise through local leaders and organizations.

Youth Education & Development

Provide the steppingstones for the next generation of innovators and outdoor enthusiasts through programs linking education, recreation and development.